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Przemysł drzewny, papierniczy i meblarski

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Eurostocker Tomasz Bronikowski is the contract furniture producer established in 1995 by Tomasz Bronikowski. Since the first day of invention, we constantly support our customers with providing creative furniture solutions within product development, implementing innovations and delivering furniture projects complete. With well qualified, friendly team, expertised with years of handmade production of furniture, we work both for stable, continuous growth and creation of incredible products and values for our customers. Eurostocker team is aimed on flexibility, meeting corporate standards and problem solving attitude, so that bespoke, market competitive and unique product is the result of complete production process. Sharing our passion of furniture creation, believing in the timeless values, we remain both professional manufacturer and also reliable, open minded partner and friend, to contribute the success and development of the customers worldwide. Meet us and bring Your furniture vision to inspire the world with great products together.
upholstered furniture contract furniture furniture producer chairs manufacturer dining chairs producer hospitality furniture.

Poszukiwani partnerzy biznesowi

Providers the furniture for contract sector, concept studios, designers, architects, furniture distributors, furniture producers.

Kierunki exportu produktów/usług firmy

UK, Benelux, Scandinavia, France, Italy, Canada.

Portfolio produktów

chairs, sofas, armchairs, modular elements, headboards, poufs, bespoke furniture


Fryderyka Chopina 14 , 20-023 Lublin

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