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Strefa Eksportera

Exporter Zone

In order to start or expand their export activities, companies can use a number of support instruments, e.g. obtain funding for participation in industry fairs, outbound and inbound economic missions, organized, among others, by the Marshal's Office in Lublin or the Polish Chamber of Commerce, access to market analyzes or apply for funds under national export support programs offered by the Ministry of Development and funds under the Smart Growth, (Inteligentny Rozwój) Eastern Poland (Polska Wschodnia) and Regional Operational Programs for the Lubelskie Voivodeship (Regionalny Program Operacyjny Województwa Lubelskiego).

Internationalisation of activities is a natural stage in the development of most enterprises in the world. Export and international cooperation give the opportunity to expand the sales market and use surplus production capacity, it is also an opportunity to increase this capacity. They are ways to balance and stabilize the company's situation in the event of problems on the domestic market. On the other hand, the acquisition of foreign companies allows for faster entry into a given market. Also attracting investors from abroad can be a way to recapitalize one's own enterprise or to strengthen it from the organizational and technical side. However, the decision to start operations on an international scale requires organizational and financial effort, as well as acquiring the necessary knowledge about foreign markets or regulations applicable to export activity. In the case of smaller or less experienced companies, this can be a big challenge or even one of the barriers to going outside the domestic market. Therefore, a number of instruments to support the internationalisation of economic activity have been launched.

One of them is the Investors and Exporters Assistance Centers Centrum Obsługi Inwestorów i Eksporterów  (COIE), created under Sub-measure 6.2.1 of the Innovative Economy Operational Program for 2007-2013. An element of this system is the newly created Investors and Exporters Assistance Center in Lublin, operating within the structures of the Marshal's Office of the Lubelskie Voivodeship.


Contact details

Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Lubelskiego w Lublinie

Departament Gospodarki i Wspierania Przedsiębiorczości 

Centrum Obsługi Inwestora i Eksportera

ul. Grottgera 4, III piętro

tel. +48 (81)537 16 15

e-mail: coie@lubelskie.pl