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Nevada and the Lublin Region: the cooperation is gathering momentum

Nevada and the Lublin Region: the cooperation is gathering momentum

The Governor of Nevada - Brian Sandoval, the Marshal of the Lublin Region - Sławomir Sosnowski and the Vice-Marshal of the Lublin Region - Krzysztof Grabczuk signed a letter of intent for a further cooperation.

Gubernator Nevady Brian Sandoval w Lublinie

The conference is a result of a long-term cooperation. Its beginning dates from 2015, when the first incoming trade mission took place. Both regions have consistently implemented measures to strengthen their economic cooperation under the two-year agreement. The NLab conference and the signing of the letter of intent are not only the culmination of the existing relationship but also another important milestone in the history of this joint cooperation.

- Why are we doing this? We have to realise that such opportunities should be created with this group of young people in mind, to enable realization of their ideas. This is one of the tools we can offer – the Marshal, Sławomir Sosnowski said at the official opening. He also addressed to the Governor of Nevada, Brian Sandoval: - Thank you to the governor that he wanted to come to Poland, but in particular, that he wanted to come to the Lublin Region. I hope this day will start a new chapter of a very effective story of our cooperation, and everything we do, we do with the hope that our inhabitants, in both your state, and my region, will live better.

Współpraca województwa lubelskiego ze stanem Nevada

- Today is a historic day for us and Nevada. I’ve never dreamt that I would be standing here in Poland and I signing an agreement like we will today. It is something that I am going to cherish for as long as I live. - summed up the governor of the state of Nevada, Brian Sandoval.

Gubernator Nevady Brian Sandoval NLab

Following the speeches from the Marshal and the Governor, John Petkus, the Honorary Consul of Poland in Las Vegas, explained the history of cooperation of both regions. He repeatedly emphasized the involvement of the Lublin Region: - We were so impressed by the initiative that Lubelskie took. We really need to engage this voivodeship. - mentioned John Petkus, recalling his conversation with Kristopher Sanchez, the Director of International Trade at the Nevada Governor's Office of Economic Development. He also added - The relationships has grown from that point in 2011 until now. I’m very proud that we are here today, it shows that the great organization of Lubelskie, the interest and everything by the attendance here. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed by the presentations and I hope this relationship continues long before all of us are gone.

A moment later, the Marshal of the Lublin Region, Sławomir Sosnowski presented a special gravure to the governor and the consul in recognition for the effort put into finalising the existing cooperation in form of a letter of intent and implementation of a joint acceleration project.

Wręczenie grawertonu NLab Brian Sandoval John Petkus

Our future is bright

After key notes opening the conference it was time for an expert panel attended by:

  • Piotr Pryciński, The National Centre of Research and Development
  • Kristopher Sanchez, ‎the Director of International Trade at Nevada Governor's Office of Economic Development - ‎Nevada Governor's Office of Economic Development
  • Artur Habza, the Director of Economy and Foreign Cooperation Department of the Marshal Office of Lublin Region

Michał Niewiadomski from Rzeczpospolita, who was the moderator of that part of the meeting, asked speakers why the State of Nevada had chosen Poland and Lubelskie, despite having a choice of regions from all over the world. That question was answered by Kristopher Sanchez: - Poland is quite strategic from my perspective for a number of reasons. I have travelled extensively throughout Poland and I have seen consistency in all regions. I see commitment to innovation, a commitment to investing and growing new technology. We have done the same things in Nevada. I think our future together is bright.

Artur Habza Dyrektor Departamentu Gospodarki i Współpracy Zagranicznej UMWL NLab

- Biznes Lubelskie is the first administrative start-up in Poland. Today I am able to guarantee that the start-up of Biznes Lubelskie will fulfill its role. Not in ten years - we do not have that much time. A decent start-up works better than a decent corporation. Corporations prepare to change every two, five years. Start-up do this much faster. And I can announce it today. Today the wind is in our sails. How quickly we will do it? As soon as we spread this sail. I declare that we will sail towards cooperation and effects, the latest in one year. - in these words Artur Habza answered the question about the direction and effects of the cooperation of Nevada with the Lublin Region.

Letter of intent in other words accelerator program for start-ups

During the meeting a letter of intent was signed which opened a new chapter in cooperation between regions. In the coming months, you will find detailed plans for active start-ups that wish to travel to Nevada and take part in this original acceleration program. Around 30-40 entrepreneurs will be selected early next year to share experiences and develop their ideas with support from mentors in the United States.

Podpisanie listu intencyjnego o współpracy Lubelskie Nevada Brian Sandoval Sławomir Sosnowski Krzysztof Grabczuk

During the conference five discussion panels were held, which thematically covered economically attractive areas that connect Nevada and the Lublin Region. Business support institutions, innovative agriculture and water technologies, innovations in gaming industry, autonomous systems or photonics are topics that are in particular interest for both regions. We hope that our companies will soon start working closely with entities from Nevada.

The broadcast of the first part of the conference can be found on the internet channel: TvRzeczpolpolita (english version).

The last point on the agenda was a meeting at the Lublin Castle, where representatives of the Lublin Region presented the assets ​​of the Lublin Region and its capital. As part of the cultural programme, guests visited the Chapel of the Holy Trinity, the Old Town of Lublin and Pablo Picasso's prints and applied arts exhibition.

Zwiedzanie Kaplicy Trójcy Św Brian Sandoval Sławomir Sosnowski

Zwiedzanie muzeum na zamku Brian Sandoval Sławomir Sosnowski Nevada Lubelskie

Zwiedzanie zamku Nevada Lubelskie NLab


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