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Invitation to interview on commercialization within ProVaHealth project

Invitation to interview on commercialization within ProVaHealth project

Are you a company from the SME sector? Take part in the ProVaHealth interviews on the commercialization of innovation


komercjalizacja innowacji ProVaHealth


The City of Lublin as Lublin Medicine Cluster coordinator is a partner in EU European Regional Development Fund, BSR programme co-financed project, ProVaHealth, which aims to remove barriers for the slow market uptake of innovations and facilitate market access for small and medium sized companies working within health. The goal is to establish a trans-national network of Living Labs in the Baltic Sea Region, which can assist in enhancing the competitiveness of the region’s companies by testing of products and services in real life in a trans-national setting at one of our 14 specialized Living Labs focusing on health and welfare products and services.

For that purpose partners are interviewing 80 SMEs across the Baltic Sea Region about their needs and expectations in using Living Labs. In particular we are interested to learn about your needs for test and evaluation of products or services in an international environment in order to strengthen commercialization.

You will find more details about interviews and project in below attachments.




I want to participate!

In order to plan the interview please reply to Iwona Urban: phone 081 466 25 25 or directly to the e-mail: iurban@lublin.eu until 2nd March 2018.

More information about the project can be found at: scanbalt.org/livinglabs.

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