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Executive Agencies

Executive agencies - are entities that perform administrative tasks of economic law. They are a form of indirect economic administration.

The agency is a state legal person established on the basis of a separate act in order to perform state tasks, within the meaning of the Act of 27 August 2009 on public finances (Journal of Laws of 2009, No. 157, item 1240). The rules governing the operation of an executive agency are laid down in the law and the statute.


In the Lubelskie Voivodeship there are:

  1. National Agricultural Support Center, Regional Branch in Lublin
  2. Lublin Regional Branch of the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture
  3. Biłgoraj Regional Development Agency S.A. - established as a result of the cooperation of local partners and co-financing under PIL Phare 9111
  4. Lubelska Agencja Wspierania Przedsiębiorczości in Lublin - is a voivodeship organizational unit without legal personality. The agency was established by virtue of Resolution No. VII / 101/07 of the Lublin Voivodship Parliament of May 28, 2007 on the establishment of the Lublin Enterprise Support Agency in Lublin.

The agency is a budget unit within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of 27 August 2009 on public finances (Journal of Laws of 2013, item 885, as amended)