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SCALE UP Project

SCALE UP project - Supporting concentration and robustness of SMEs within the renewed EU Industrial Policy



SCALE UP is an interregional cooperation project that aims to improve policy instruments to support SMEs' capacity to enter regional, national and international markets and to strengthen the reach of SMEs by providing them with the right tools as part of a renewed EU industrial policy strategy.


The aim of the project will be implemented through the exchange of experiences with partner regions of the EU in 4 key thematic areas:

  1. new business models of cooperation;
  2. improving the culture of collaboration between science, technology, innovation and industrial enterprises;
  3. support for regional sectors of smart specialization in the form of partnerships / networks / clusters;
  4. use and adaptation of new technologies and access to financial instruments.


The implementation of the SCALE UP project will contribute to the implementation of the Regional Innovation Strategy of the Lubelskie Voivodeship 2020, Priority 2: Competitiveness of SMEs.