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Regional Innovation Strategy of the Lubelskie Voivodeship

Regional Innovation Strategy of the Lubelskie Voivodeship
RIS WL 2020 was designed on the basis of a new paradigm in the approach to regional development and innovation policy. It assumes the selection by individual regions of the so-called smart specialization. The aim of smart specialization is the optimal use of the potential of individual regions and countries through the best possible adjustment of development directions to their specific socio-economic conditions, i.e. matching within the triangle: science - education - economy. According to the concept of smart specialization, endogenous development potentials (understood as sectors or groups of sectors which already specialize and which have gained a certain competitive advantage on a national and international scale) should meet three conditions: rooting in the region's economy, technological affinity and communication, and cooperation inside and between sectors.
More information can be found on the official website: https://www.lubelskie.pl/aktualnosci-innowacje/