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About us - Biznes Lubelskie Team

Biznes Lubelskie Team is an initiative of Marshal Office of Lubelskie Voivodeship, which aims to strengthen cooperation with investors and exporters.

Why Biznes Lubelskie?


  1. ONE STOP SHOP - we create one point of contact, which means that our dedicated Investment Pilot (IP) is the first contact person for an Investor and for all other parties from our region involved in the project, especially in the initial phase of the investment process.
  2. COOPERATION: we cooperate with local authorities as well as regional, national and international institutions of business environment
  3. FREE OF CHARGE: our quality services are free of charge a
  4. TIME: thanks to our services you save time, and "time is money"

Biznes Lubelskie Team offers a wide range of services throughout the investment project. Our services are mainly focused on direct service and assistance to investors including:

1. Preparation of comprehensive, reliable and up-to-date economic information about the region:
  • the potential and the current economic situation,
  • forms of doing business
  • instruments supporting entrepreneurship,
  • investment incentives offered at the level of the region and the country, and institutions appropriate for a particular instrument,
  • entities from the region seeking investors
  • potential suppliers by sector.

2. Organisation and support economic mission to / from the region.

3. "Investment Pilot's" assistance throughout the investment process.

4. Presentation of the region and sectors, available investment offers and site identification.

5. Help in dealing with local authorities and business institutions.

6. Initiating contacts between entrepreneurs and entities supporting economic development in the region.

7. Organisation of conferences, seminars and trainings for entrepreneurs, local authorities. 
8. Logistic support during the investment visit (transport, accommodation, providing facilities for b2b meetings, etc.).

We stand out due to the broad range of post-investment support. Satisfied investors who have chosen our region are the best evidence for the fact that the Lubelskie Region is an excellent location for investments.

We kindly invite you to cooperation!


Marshal Office of Lubelskie Voivodeship

Department of Economy and Entrepreneurship Support​

Biznes Lubelskie

4 Artura Grottgera St

20-029 Lublin, Poland

e-mail: przedsiebiorcy@lubelskie.pl

phone: +48 81 478 14 69