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Business Environment Institutions

Business Environment Institutions

Business environment institutions (BEI) are a very clear and permanent element of the regional entrepreneurship support system. The cooperation of enterprises with business environment institutions, initially assuming the nature of incidental events, with time turned into permanent processes supplementing all other functions performed by economic entities. The contemporary role of BEI is particularly visible in creating new enterprises, improving efficiency and innovation, modernizing property resources, shaping the quality of human capital and building an entrepreneurial culture. Due to the wide range of impacts, they influence the shaping of modern business culture in all European Union countries. Entrepreneurs are also required to develop specific skills related to the absorption of the support offered.

According to the definition, business environment institutions are represented by entities organized in various legal forms that provide "entrepreneurship support services". These are services in line with the directions set by the economic policies of countries and regions, and their main goal is to help entrepreneurs develop and meet the challenges posed by the economic and social environment.

There are about 150 institutions and business support organizations in Lubelskie. These include, for example, clusters, chambers, local development agencies, local action groups, guilds. An important part of the business environment are industrial and science and technology parks, created to support innovation in the economy and technology transfer.

Based on the overview of the centers, it can be stated, first of all, that the centers of innovation and entrepreneurship in the Lubelskie Voivodeship are concentrated in Lublin. Such concentration is natural and related to the fact that the capital of the voivodeship concentrates a significant part of the economic, human and intellectual potential of the region. The most important, largest and best developed BEI in the region operate in Lublin (and in the neighboring Świdnik). Nevertheless, in smaller centers of the voivodeship, we also find centers of innovation and entrepreneurship. This applies in particular to Puławy, Biała Podlaska, Biłgoraj, Chełm and Zamość. In addition, in many other smaller towns and communes there are local action groups and branches of the Lublin Development Foundation and Lublin Development Foundation, as well as the Lublin Agricultural Advisory Center in Końskowola.

Most of the innovation and entrepreneurship centers operating in the region conduct activities in the field of training and consulting, while specialized shadow banking services and pro-innovation activities are definitely less frequent.